Kebarangkalian hal-hal remeh-temeh yang berlaku di sekeliling kita pada hari ini, hari akan datang dan pada hari yang telah berlalu.. Pasti membawa seribu satu makna yang tersendiri.. Di situlah termaktub sebuah coret-coretan perjalanan hidup kita..

Kita melihat penderitaan hanya dari sisi negatifnya tanpa mahu melihat sisi positifnya dan selalu merasa rugi terhadap kekurangan yang kita miliki, namun kita tidak pernah merasa beruntung atas kelebihan yang kita miliki.
Glitter Words

14 January 2011

:: Suke Awak ::

Dream High

(By Taecyeon, Jangwooyoung (2PM), Suzy (Miss A), Kimsoohyoen & JOO)

I dream high, I have a dream
When it gets hard I close my eyes.
And while replaying the moment my dreams come true,
I get up and keep on going

I shake in the face of fear today as well.
Like a young bird who's afraid to fly in fear of falling down
I keep on asking whether I can do this,
whether my dreams can come true.
Whenever I make a step,
step by step, the fear comes back.

I dream high, I have a dream
When it gets hard I close my eyes.
And while replaying the moment my dreams come true,
I get up and keep on going
I can fly high,

I believe
That one day that I will spread my wings
And fly up into that sky higher than anyone before
I need courage to help me get up
The courage which would make me jump up again,
after brushing the dust off
Believing in myself and in my destiny once again.
Risking everything
I will jump over the wall higher than myself

Dream High,
a chance to fly high, from now to all the pain bye bye.
Try and fly as high as those stars in the sky.
Watch your dreams unfold,
time for u to shine
It's the start,
gotta make 'em mine.
Don't be afraid of building your own future

Walk on confidently with all your might.
Destiny is your fate.
Unstoppable destiny is now spreading in front of us

This is a whole new fantasy for you.
So just take my hand
Our goal now is the same. Don't give up on your dreams and future. Everyone here with youthful passion Dream High

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